-Wurzel des Lebens-

An Installation which leads you in interaction to the sacred world of geometry...

-Looper @ Feel Festival-

Juli 2019

This time the GrowingLooper was hanging upside down inside a Tower.

If one enters the Tower through one of the three entrances the Looper would move towards the person.

The Movement is done by 8 motors sitting on Top of the Tower.

-Looper @ Sundowner-

April 2019

The Growing Looper is an Installation especially for festivals. Its a 2.5m long structure made of aluminium and it's designed like a "GrowingTower". The dynamic of the structure is carried out throu 10 electrical motors which are attouched to the structure throu some wires.


December 2017 

For the Club "Griessmühle" in Berlin a very special GrowingtTower was created. Three right-handed and five left-handed spirals made of wood, plus eight right-handed spirals made of steel. In addition, two left-handed chain spirals were added. Chains because the spirals are only stressed. On top of the tower sits a dynamic dome, which is connected to a seat on the ground.  The focus was on an Industrial Madmax style that fits perfectly into the Club.